The teacher as ALCHEMIST

The art and science of teaching and learning

Transformation and change within any learning environment requires both the rationality and evidence based approach of science as well as the curious, creative and intuitive mind found in the visual and preforming arts.

'Teacher as Alchemist' specifically explores the neuropsychology of teaching and learning and the creative processes to support accelerated learning, memory skills and personal confidence.

You need both art and science to create the conditions for learning for every child in every lesson. Now, that is magic.

'The Teacher as Alchemist' is available AS a wide range of PROGRAMMES:

The keynote address is a high-energy talk of one hour or less designed to galvanise your conference or event.

This half-day programme is designed to give you a crash course in understanding the science and share some practical examples of magical classroom practice. 

This full-day programme is designed to give you a complete one-off course in designing and shape a curriculum based on art and science.

This short programme is designed to give you a complete course in designing and implementing a magical curriculum and creative culture accross your school.

This longer programme is designed to give to look at the values, drives and creative dispositions of your leadership team in partnership with Management Drives.

Our online programmes are designed to give you a convenient way to sustain the learning and deepen your understanding of alchemy and education.

Who provides this programme?

Roy Leighton

Matt Aldridge

Paul Sturtivant

Paul is a teacher with over 10 years experience in designing outstanding curriculum, leading teaching and learning and coaching to other people's strengths. He has taught and run teaching projects in four other countries. Currently fascinated by transforming whole-school culture and subverting the system to put the student first.