The Ten Storey Clock Tower 

This story, and related weekly reflections, has been created by Roy Leighton.

It is a resource for schools in the U.K. and internationally that are, or have been, part of the 'Positive Peace' programmes (delivered by Undiscovered Country) and research (conducted by the Faculty of Education, Cambridge University).

The story has been broken into six parts to support the weekly focus on the B.E.C.O.M.E. competencies and values of the peacebuilder.

Every Monday as part of your 'check in' listen to that relevant section of the story and reflect on how you are going to live that value during the week. 

Write down what you need to 'keep', 'develop' and 'let go' and review your progress at the Wednesday 'check up' and Friday 'check out'.

Listen to The Ten Storey Clock Tower...

For the schools who are part of the Theatre of Peace Programme this is the second wave of our six week challenge. We are now going link the six competencies of the peacebuildier (bravery, energy, creativity, openness, motivation and self esteem) with the stages of The Hero's Journey.

Press Play to listen to the story. 

To download a PDF of the story, click here.

Week One: Bravery

Will. Reason. Heart.

Listen to the first part of the story: 00:00 to 04:57

Week Two: Energy

The Ten Story Tower

Listen to the first part of the story: 04:47 to 08:23

Week Three: Creativity

The Archetypes

Listen to the first part of the story: 08:23 to 13:32 

Week Four: Openness

The Two Chairs

Listen to the first part of the story: 13:32 to 19:46 

Week Five: Motivation

The Ten Floors

Listen to the first part of the story: 19:46 to 36:50

Week Six: Esteem

The Clock

Listen to the first part of the story: 36:50 to 40:46 

Theatre of Peace programmes are available
in a variety of formats:

Keynote address is a lively and thought-provoking one-hour presentation, adapted to the needs of the audience and designed to galvanise your conference or event.

This half-day programme is designed to give you a crash course in designing and implementing teaching as storytelling in your school.

This full-day programme is designed to dig a little deeper into the underlying art and science of storytelling and the power of myth.

This 101 Day programme is designed to give you a complete and in-depth course in designing and implementing Peace Education through story and play in your own establishment.

To book us or to find out more complete the inquiry form below